Shop Hours
2/2/25- Sunday - 12 - 3 PM
2/3/25- Monday - **CLOSED**
2/4/25 - Tuesday - **CLOSED**
2/5/25 - Wednesday - **CLOSED**
2/6/25 - Thursday - 2 - 6 PM
2/7/25 - Friday - 12 - 5 PM
2/8/25 - Saturday - 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM
2/9/25 - Sunday - 12 - 3 PM
At this time, any and all orders are welcome and my
availability will be based on whether or not any orders are
received. If you see me there but I am closed and you need a cupcake or a can
of food, please let me know. And if you don’t see me there but need those
things, also please let me know.
Stay safe everyone and hug your doggy!
...a dog bakery and boutique - because they deserve it!!
20207 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
Regular Hours if nothing posted at top of page:
Tuesday 12-5 PM; Wednesday 2-6 PM; Thursday 2-6 PM, Friday 12-5 PM,
Saturday 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM; Sunday and Monday: Closed
Local delivery available for bakery and retail!!